Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Setting up Weblogic server in Eclipse Galileo

If you are working on an Enterprise/Web application using Weblogic as your development server and Eclipse Galileo as IDE, you might want to integrate your eclipse with your Weblogic server by following simple steps below.

  1. Change Eclipse memory settings by updating the properties of eclipse.ini file -Xmx768m -Xms256m
  2. Make sure this configuration (-Dsun.lang.ClassLoader.allowArraySyntax=true) is there, if not add it and save the file.
  3. Make sure you have configured your Weblogic server in "Development" mode. If node done, please change the configuration.
  4. Start Eclipse
  5. Go to Window -> Preferences -> Server -> Installed Runtimes -> Add
  6. In the dialog "New Server Runtime", there is a link "Download additional server adapters". Click it, and Eclipse will search on the Internet for additional server adapters. When it's done, select “Oracle Web Logic Server Tools” (or more appropriate one, if you get one) and install it.
  7. Alternate to step 5, you can add http://download.oracle.com/otn_software/oepe/galileo as updated site in Eclipse and install the Eclipse pack from Oracle.
  8. Restart your Eclipse after installation.
  9. Open server view as Window ->Open View -> Others -> Server ->Servers
  10. Right click on the pane, and select new server
  11. In the next screen, select your JRE e.g. JRE 1.5 and Weblogic installation directory e.g. C:\bea\weblogic.
  12. Click next
  13. In next screen, provide the Weblogic domain directory e.g. C:\bea\weblogic\myprojects\domains\mydomain, provide the Weblogic port e.g. 7001 and user id/password for the Weblogic server.
  14. Click finish.
  15. Double click on the server; it will open server details in the editor. Make sure publish automatically check box is check. If not checked, check it, save and close it.
  16. At this point, you can see Weblogic server listed in server pane.
  17. You can right click the server and add/remove projects from your workspace to this server.
Now you are all set to start, stop your Weblogic server from your Eclipse IDE. Also no more builds and manual deployments from the back-end. Any changes made in your work space, will automatically be published on your Weblogic server.

I hope this is helpful and reduces some of your frustration in switching between multiple windows.

NOTE: Please review license terms and conditions and proceed only when you agree them.


  1. Yogen,

    Your Information is very useful and good.
    Please place articles on soft skills and experience and how to make decisions in career and personal life also.

    waiting for more articles

  2. Your article is very simple and easy to follow.
    Also , it would be nice if you can mention the site to download weblogic server. I have been wasting lot of my time searcing and I have still not found it.

  3. Weblogic is a licensed product. Its now owned by Oracle. Latest Weblogic service is available at Oracle Site (http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/middleware/downloads/index-087510.html)

  4. Thanks not directly but i got help indirectly from your article. Thanks

  5. hi where do I find WebLogic home and Java Home?

  6. hi,
    i have installed bea weblogic and eclipse galileo but dont know how to configure eclipse so that i could able to run jsp file in eclipse.
